Terms & Conditions

The information contained in this service has been compiled from sources believed to be reliable but no warranty, expressed or implied, is given that the information is complete or accurate nor that it is fit for a particular purpose. All such warranties are expressly disclaimed and excluded. Any opinions, recommendations and forecasts provided are not necessarily the current opinions, recommendations and forecasts of the contributors and may be changed at any time.

Neither ourselves nor any representative, agent or employee nor any connected company or party shall be liable to a user of this service or to any third party for any loss or injury arising out of the information or any actions taken or not taken in response to any information or a user’s use of (or inability to use) this service.


All Prices quoted are per person and include VAT. All holidays require a deposit of £50.00 per
person to secure a reservation. To reserve accommodation please telephone in the first instance.

Payment of Account:

Please note payment of final account will only be accepted if made by the following: Cash and debit or credit card.


Accommodation may be provisionally reserved by telephone. A £50.00 deposit per person will then be required to confirm within 5 days. Deposits may be forwarded by Visa, Mastercard, or Switch. Deposits are Non refundable and Non Transferable we strongly recommend Holiday Insurance please see below.

In the event of cancellation costs will be charged at the following rates depending on notice.

Cancellation Charges

Period of notice prior to commencement of holiday Charge as a % of total value of holiday reserved
More than 55 days before arrival Loss of deposit.
28 to 55 days before arrival 35%
14 to 27 days before arrival
7 to 13 days before arrival 65%
1 to 6 days before arrival 80%
Day of arrival or later 100%